Hannah Joins the High Seas Alliance


Hannah has been selected to represent the United Kingdom as a part of the High Seas Alliance Youth Ambassador programme for 2021-22. The Ambassador Programme provides a platform to empower youth voices during the High Seas Treaty (BBNJ Treaty) negotiations due to take place this summer. This is an unprecedented opportunity to deliver the protection and sustainable management that our global ocean so desperately needs and is the first international treaty of its kind in over twenty years.

“From a very young age, like I’m sure you have been as well, I have been obsessed with our ocean and life below the waves. But unfortunately, due my very short time here on Earth, we have been witness to the increased mass destruction of our seas. We are at a pivotal moment in our planet’s history and this year we have an unprecedented opportunity to deliver a strong High Seas Treaty that provides both the protection and sustainable management that our seas need to recover from our activities and thrive once again. I’m thrilled to be joining the High Seas Alliance as an ambassador and to be working with an international team to empower youth voices throughout these negotiations. The high seas are a vast area of our planet that cover almost half of its total surface area, and yet for so many of us they are both out of sight and out of mind. Time is no longer a luxury we can afford and it’s of paramount importance that we safeguard this area of our planet, not only for the biodiversity that lives there but also for our global community and the future generations that will come to depend on them.”

- Hannah Rudd